For security reasons, we will be making changes to third-party application 
access for Mozilla organizations on GitHub. This means that GitHub applications 
not run by Mozilla will have to go through a more formal approval process by 
Mozilla GitHub organization owners before they are added (not just anyone can 
enable third-party applications). This will help ensure third-party 
applications aren't inadvertently granted access to data in and privileges for 
Mozilla's GitHub organizations and projects that they shouldn't have.

When we activate the new security settings:

* Existing third-party applications may lose access to Mozilla GitHub 
organizations and projects therein. This has the potential to disrupt tools, 
processes, and workflows.
* SSH keys created before February 2014 will lose access. You will have to 
upload a new SSH key to speak with GitHub servers.
* Hooks from private projects will no longer be sent to unapproved applications.
* Other items listed at

There is no perfect time to perform this change. There will be some disruption. 
But since security is at stake, it needs to performed sooner rather than later.

We have scheduled the switch for 1700 UTC / 1000 PDT on Tuesday, October 20. 
Mozilla GitHub organization owners will be on call in #github and at to approve any urgent requests for third-party 
application approval.

During this switch, the many popular applications such as Travis CI, Circle CI, 
ect. may experience temporary downtime.  We expect the downtime to be under 5 

Thank you for your understanding.

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