*Summary*: window.orientation returns a value corresponding to the screen
orientation. The orientationchange event is fired when the orientation of
the viewport is changed. These features are non-standard but have been
implemented by other browser vendors on mobile platforms leading to
widespread usage on major websites. In order to improve web compatibility,
these features are also going to be implemented by Gecko on mobile
platforms and we are also working on standardizing the feature. Web authors
should avoid these features because the values returned by
window.orientation are unreliable as it means different things across
different platforms. Instead, authors should use the ScreenOrientation API
which offers the more functionality and better specified behavior.

*Bug*: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=920734

*Link to standard*: https://compat.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-window-orientation

*Platform coverage*: Firefox for Android and Firefox OS.

*Estimated or target release*: Firefox 44

These features are currently implemented by the stock Android browser,
Safari on iOS, Chrome for Android and Internet Explorer on Windows Phone.
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