On 10/20/15 6:13 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
   W3C DOM4
   deadline: November 3, 2015

Both specifications are derived from upstream WHATWG specifications.

As of which date?

I ask because this looks like a fairly old fork, containing various requirements that are known to not be web-compatible and which have long since been fixed upstream (e.g. the createAttribute mess).

If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, or if you think Mozilla should voice support or opposition
to the specification, please say so in this thread.  (I'd note,
however, that there have been many previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)

There are fundamental issues we've brought up before, and which continue to be unaddressed (though noted) in this specification. Or indeed upstream. I assume raising them at this point is not useful, of course.

In general, I think we should make it clear that this specification as written is known to be not-web-compatible and that we have no plans to base implementation activity on this specification as a result.

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