On 2015-10-29 9:47 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
The main thread of the current chrome/content process.

Indeed, animations are one of my two use cases, the other one being
user-input latency, but I'm almost sure I know how to deal with the latter.

Out of curiosity, how are you planning to measure input latency? Based on event timestamps?

The reason I'm asking is that with e10s, I sometimes see long (even multi-second!) delays between for example clicking the new tab button, or for the title of a new tab to appear after the tab being initially painted) that are very visible to the user, and can't be detected that way. I think it would be nice to come up with a set of user actions in the primary UI and manually measure their delay based on the knowledge that we have about the asynchronous nature of their implementation.

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