On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 11/19/15 5:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> This API doesn't seem to work for nested workers (which Blink doesn't
>> implement), does it? Since there's no way in the window to get hold of
>> a reference of a sub-sub-worker.
> While true, there is also no way to directly get a message from a
> sub-sub-worker, right?  The only way to get one is via the intermediate
> worker.

You can actually create a MessageChannel and then send one of the
ports to a sub-sub-worker.

Unfortunately the other port can't be used as something that
represents the sub-sub-worker since even after a port has started
getting used, it can be sent around again.

> So you have a window create worker W1, W1 creates W2.  W2 does something,
> posts a message back to W1 with some timestamps.  W1 translates those into
> its timeline and posts message back to the window, which translates into its
> timeline.

Yes, this is possible. It's not great, but it's probably a fine enough solution.

>> It also doesn't seem possible for a worker to convert to the timeline
>> of a parent window, since there's no object representing the parent of
>> a worker.
> That's true.  If you want to ship timestamps from a window to a worker,
> there's no convenient way to do that, though you can hack it together like
> so:
>   w.postMessage(myTimeStamp - Performance.translateTime(0, w))
> It seemed to me when this was being discussed that typically your timestamps
> would flow the other way, but maybe that's a bad assumption?

I suspect having a worker which takes care of coordinating network
traffic to a server is likely to be a good design. Especially having a
sharedworker or serviceworker take care of coordinating the network
traffic if the website expects the user to have multiple tabs open.

Though Service Workers do actually have a 'client' object which
represent window objects. So we could enable passing those as global
to the translate function.

/ Jonas
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