WEBGL_dynamic_texture is due for a pruning refactor (I think I'm on
the hook for this), so don't base anything on it as-is.

IIRC, we don't believe WEBGL_security_sensitive_resources is viably
implementable in a safe way (timing attacks!), so I suggest ignoring

Extending texture uploads to allow dom::Element uploads is easily done
from a technical standpoint, but doing it efficiently will take novel
non-trivial work. (not every dom::Element has a Layer/Image)

Adding picking to WebGL is a non-starter.

>From an API standpoint, it could be interesting to try to use
ImageBitmaps as handles to snapshots of dom::Elements.

I think that it would be most efficient just to have a meeting about
these topics, instead of iterating slower via email.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Kearwood "Kip" Gilbert
<kgilb...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> In WebVR, we often present UI as a Head's Up Display (HUD) that floats
> in front of the user.  Additionally, we often wish to show 2d graphics,
> video, and CSS animations as a texture in 3d scenes.  Creating these
> textures is something that CSS and HTML are great at.
> Unfortunately, I am not aware of an easy and efficient way to capture an
> animated of an interactive HTML Element and bring it into the WebGL
> context.  A "moz-element" -like API would be useful here.
> Perhaps we could solve this by implementing and extending the proposed
> WEBGL_dynamic_texture extension:
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/proposals/WEBGL_dynamic_texture/
> Essentially, we would extend the same API but allow the WDTStream
> interface to apply to more HTML elements, not just HTMLCanvasElement,
> HTMLImageElement, or HTMLVideoElement.
> We would also need to implement WEBGL_security_sensitive_resources to
> enforce the security model:
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_security_sensitive_resources/
> Does this sound like a good idea?  I feel that this is something that
> all WebGL developers would want, as it would make building front-ends
> for games much easier.
> If others feel the same, I would also like to follow up with a proposal
> to make the captured HTML elements interactive through use of an
> explicit "pick buffer" added to canvases.
> I look forward to your feedback.
> Cheers,
>   - Kearwood "Kip" Gilbert
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