On Monday, January 25, 2016 at 8:38:08 AM UTC-8, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
> Hi Fabrice,
> On 2016-01-25 11:00 AM, Fabrice Desré wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >    With the smartphone activity shifting to a more exploratory status, we
> > have been discussing with the platform & releng people which setup would
> > allow us to keep improving the product and supporting our community of
> > users while minimizing impact on other parts of the organization.
> >
> >    The decision we ended up with is to move Firefox OS into Tier 3
> > support category (see
> > https://developer.mozilla.org/en-U/docs/Supported_build_configurations).
> > That means that other teams won't be backed out and yelled at by
> > sheriffs for breaking b2g tests, and that the FirefoxOS team will be
> > responsible for fixing such breakage. Landing code for FirefoxOS stays
> > the same as today - we don't fork.
> >    We're also working on a solution to move the b2g builds & tests to
> > their own infrastructure from which we'll ship our builds & updates.
> I have two questions about this:
> 1. What does this mean for Firefox OS specific code in Gecko which is 
> designed to keep some level of testing possible on the Firefox OS side 
> by adding hacks to Gecko?  Another example is hacks that we have needed 
> around Firefox OS's toolchain limitations (the gcc version requirements, 
> for example.)  Can we remove such hacks now?
> 2. What about patches that couldn't land because of Firefox OS tests 
> failing in ways the author couldn't figure out?  I'm thinking of 
> examples such as bug 1043562.  Can we land such patches now?
> Thanks,
> Ehsan
> >    I want to thank all the people from various corners of the platform
> > that helped us so far. I guess I'll have to bribe you now!
> >
> >    Feel free to reach out to me if you need any more details on the subject,
> >

I think the answer to (1) is no. There might be specific code-removals which 
enable us to move faster on supporting Firefox. I believe blassey has specific 
details on this.  But, in general, do no harm yet.

As for (2), land patches and don't think about FirefoxOS.  It's tier three and 
that's the point.

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