The spaghetti was put in the machine last night - this work has now
landed on mozilla-central.

If you start seeing "unsafe CPOW usage forbidden" in the Browser Console
for various things, please mark them blocking bug 1233497.

Thanks all,


On 20/01/2016 3:54 PM, Mike Conley wrote:
> (cross-posted to both dev-platform and firefox-dev)
> *
> *
> TL;DR: Shortly, I’ll be flipping a pref to outlaw unsafe CPOWs in almost
> all browser code. Unsafe CPOWs inside add-on scopes should continue to
> work properly. If you start seeing "unsafe CPOW usage forbidden” errors
> being throw for a feature you’re working on in the Browser Console, it’s
> because unsafe CPOWs have been outlawed and you should stop using them.
> Talk to me if you run into problems.
> Details:
> “unsafe” CPOWs[1][2] are CPOWs that are accessed when the other process
> is not currently blocked waiting for information from you. For example,
> if you access gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocumentAsCPOW.body when
> the content process is garbage collecting, the parent will be blocked
> until the child decides that it has a moment to service the synchronous
> message and return the information that the parent needs. Unsafe CPOWS
> are generally pretty horrible for performance, especially because we
> cannot know what state the other process is in.
> “safe” CPOWs are when the other process is in a known blocked state -
> for example, the content process sends a synchronous message to the
> parent asking for some information, and is blocked waiting for a
> response. The parent then accesses CPOWs in the content process safely,
> because the content process is in a known state. The only overhead here
> is the IPC traffic.
> “unsafe” CPOWs are often used by add-ons to synchronously manipulate
> content. A year or so back, a bunch of browser code also used unsafe
> CPOWs in this way, but we’ve been slowly but surely weeding them out.
> We’re at the state now where we believe we’ve eliminated most of the
> in-browser unsafe CPOW uses[3].
> Within the next day or so, I’m going to be landing bug 1233497[4] which
> will cause unsafe CPOW usage in non-addon browser code to throw. In the
> event that this breaks things horribly, there is a pref[5] that we can
> flip to turn unsafe CPOWs back on while we fix things.
> Again, this work is occurring in bug 1233497[4]. If there are any major
> concerns, please bring them up here before I throw the spaghetti into
> the machine.
> For more details on unsafe CPOWs, please read [1] and/or [2].
> [1]: 
> [2]:
> [3]: Outside of tests, and a few other little things that there are
> follow-ups for.
> [4]:
> [5]: dom.ipc.cpows.forbid-unsafe-from-browser
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