We intend to support the Opus audio codec in mp4 fragments and files.

Opus is a royalty-free audio compression format developed by Mozilla
(Xiph), Microsoft (Skype), Broadcom and others. It offers better
quality for both voice and music, scaling over a wider range of
network speeds and with lower latency than previous codecs. It's been
in Firefox for several years and on its own is a manditory part of the
WebRTC specification.

MP4 is the most widely used video format on the web today.

Combining the two will give us a way to record and play back
interactive WebRTC streams with Opus audio and h.264 video, which
currently doesn't work because they have different container supports.

We also hope to make it easier for site authors to take advantage of
better compression technology by reducing migration barriers for
established code based on the mp4 container.

The plan is to support this through the mp4 parser rewrite Matthew
Gregan and I are doing in the rust programming language, so
availability will be gated by --enable-rust as well as a pref, likely
media.mp4.opus.enable. Currently that would limit it to official
builds on MacOS X and 64-bit Linux, but I hope there will be more

We do not have a target release for this yet. Whenever we feel the
specification is sufficiently stable.

More about Opus at https://opus-codec.org/
Draft spec at https://opus-codec.org/docs/opus_in_isobmff.html

Comments welcome,
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