On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Sylvestre Ledru <sle...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> In Debian & Ubuntu,

I didn't find a rustc package on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ . What's
the situation on Ubuntu?

> we use the official binaries provided to be able to build rust.

My same logic, can Mozilla-built rustc be used to build the Firefox
package as far as policy matters, with exceptions and waivers taken
into account, go? Or is this what's keeping rustc not getting past

> However, in the future, I have been told that we would be able to build rust 
> using rust version-1.

When is rustc expected to reach that level of bootstrapping predictability?

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Sylvestre Ledru <sle...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> One way which would make the life of Linux distro way easier would be
> to maintain the Firefox rust code in a way it could compile using older rust 
> compiler.

In order to be competitive, we need all leverage we can get from our
Mozilla magic sauce (Rust). I think it's unacceptable to limit our
ability to leverage Rust in Gecko by forgoing the ability to co-evolve
Rust and Gecko at a rapid pace.

> For example, imagine that the next Debian stable or Ubuntu LTS ships using 
> Rust 2.0,
> we would make sure that the new rust code still compile with Rust 2.0 
> (limiting our capability to use new
> language trick).

I think we must not allow ourselves to wait for a Debian or Ubuntu LTS
cycle before Rust improvements can be used in Gecko. We need to
leverage our advantages, such as Rust, fully to be competitive, and it
would be crazy to work at LTS pace when we are free to ship to the
majority of our users (on Windows and Mac) using whatever compiler
works best. (In general, regardless of building Gecko, I think it
would be harmful to the evolution of Rust at this stage for a version
to get stuck out there for the duration of a Debian or Ubuntu LTS
cycle. I agree with Brian Smith's sentiment at
https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/perfecting-rust-packaging/2623/67 .)

> Just like we do with C++...

And we fail to make best competitive use of our time and tools with
C++, too, when the latest clang, GCC and MSVC support a C++ feature,
we put effort into writing code and find out it has to rot without
landing because of old GCC.

> Now, with my Debian/Ubuntu hat, maintaining rust backports to be able to 
> build new versions of Firefox on stable/LTS releases
> is not going to be easy

Could Firefox in Debian stable have a build dependency on rustc from
Debian unstable?

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Martin Stransky <stran...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Well, what about other arches? ppc(64), s390, ai64...?

All architectures currently supported by Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu
(but not Gentoo!) already have LLVM back ends. rustc hasn't been
ported to all those architectures, but the level of effort required
should be within reason considering that the LLVM back ends are there
and rustc has already been ported to target multiple ones of the
LLVM-supported ISAs.

If distro policy bans ongoing cross-compliation, I guess the distro
would need to replicate the Rust project's compiler compilation
version lineage on each architecture after bootstrapping with

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Nicolas B. Pierron
<nicolas.b.pier...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I guess one of the thing we could do is use an alternative solution, such as
> an external package manager which can work side-by-side with the host, such
> as zero-install, Portage, or Nix.

I don't see how that would be any better from the distro policy
perspective than using Mozilla-shipped rustc.

Henri Sivonen
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