On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 2:29:02 PM UTC+2, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
> You can ignore this email if you are not a member of the GitHub Mozilla
> organization.
> Starting on June 20th, the GitHub Mozilla organization will require Two
> Factor Authentication (2FA). We’re implementing 2FA for security reasons --
>  if you lose or have your password stolen, 2FA provides an extra layer of
> defense to prevent your account from being compromised. This change has
> already been rolled out for Admins, and is now being extended for all
> members.
> You can learn more about GitHub and 2FA at
> https://help.github.com/articles/about-two-factor-authentication/
> Please see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Github for more information about using
> GitHub at Mozilla, or find us on #github on irc.mozilla.org.
> Thanks,
> Lawrence

Sorry, but IIUC setting up 2FA requires a smartphone and I don't have one. Not 
only I never had a smartphone, but my dumb cellphone recently got its screen 
broken down so the only thing it is still good for is receiving voice 
communications. To read or send SMSes I need the screen, and so do I to see 
where an incoming phone call (which I couldn't immediately answer) or a message 
came from.
I have a house phone (on a line); it uses tones, not strings of 1 to 10 
impulses, and I think it can receive but not send SMS messages; also, for 
security against unscrupulous neighbours it is restricted to sending only 
domestic calls (within Belgium). (Incoming calls can come from anywhere.)
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