As of a few minutes ago, when you land commits from MozReview they will be
pushed to instead of

For now, think of integration/autoland as just another mozilla-inbound or
fx-team. In fact, the sheriffs will be treating the autoland repo just like
they treat inbound and fx-team. But that will change in the weeks ahead.

The integration/autoland repository is purposefully not being integrated
into and the Git mirrors. And it
never will be. This is because integrating the autoland repo into a unified
repo isn't compatible with things we'll be doing in the future.

*Please do not pull from the autoland repo.* If you do, future changes that
will introduce divergent commits/DAG heads will make your life painful.

Since you aren't supposed to pull from the autoland repo, *Do not build the
autoland repo or rebase your work on top of it.* As far as local
development is concerned, pretend the autoland repo doesn't exist. The
exception to this is if you absolutely need to pull a revision from it to
test it explicitly.

Also, the autoland repo is using a new permissions group that only 4 people
have write access to. So don't attempt to push to it because you won't be
able to.

Please follow bug 1266863 if you wish to track changes to the autoland repo
and our future plans to get rid of inbound, fx-team, merge commits, and
most backout commits in the final repo history (making mozilla-central
history linear without most bad/backed out commits).
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