
someone might not know that doing checkins for checkin-needed request is
not automated yet and completely a fully human task :) (no we Sheriffs are
not bots ;)

It would help us a lot if a checkin needed request would contain complete
Author/Patch information like:

   - Author (use the information from their Bugzilla account if needed)
   with Name *and *Emailadress.
   - Bug number
   - Commit message (keeping in mind that the commit message should be a
   brief description of what the patch is *doing*)
      - Format should be something like "Bug 123456 - Add a null check to
      XYZ to avoid a crash. r=somebody"

And also if there is a specific sequence/dependency you want to checkin the
patches it would help also a lot  if you could make a short comment in the
Bug like please checkin part x then patch y or like first bug 123 then this
bug and then bug 8910.

This would help us a lot :)


- Tomcat
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