Summary: This gives workers an isSecureContext property on the global, like we already have for windows.


Spec: and step 2.

Estimated or target release: Firefox 52.

Preference: None for now, but see below.

Devtools bug: None needed, I believe.

Support in other browsers: None so far. I thought Chrome had this implemented but it doesn't seem to.

Tests: Included in the patch.

Concerns: No one else implements this so far, and it does add one interesting requirement: it requires that shared workers not be shared between secure and insecure contexts. Whichever one creates the shared worker first wins; the other creation attempt throws. It _may_ be better to have an error event here instead of an exception (akin to what we do for origin mismatches on the worker url). It may also turn out that not creating the shared worker in this situation creates a compat issue... So far I haven't been able to figure out a sane way to test whether Chrome does the shared worker thing (which it might do even though it doesn't implement the DOM API).

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