On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 8:04 AM, Jeremy Chen <jeremyc...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> DevTools bug: None needed, I think.

I think there are 2 things DevTools could do to help authors
use/discover/understand this feature:

1. initial-letter only applies to ::first-letter pseudos or inline-level
first child of a block container.
To me, this means that some people may find themselves trying the new
initial-letter property and not seeing it work, just because they're not
using it in the right CSS rule.
So, similar to how we display invalid properties in DevTools today (try
adding foo:bar; in the inspector for instance, you'll see a warning sign),
we should also display "useless" properties.
For instance initial-letter:2; inside a div { display:block; } rule should
have no effect, right?
In that case it'd be nice to also have a warning sign next to the property
telling authors the reason why the property did not apply.
I think we have this captured on bugzilla already:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1303833 and

2. This property is related to the concept of baselines in CSS. And I think
it would be a huge help for authors using this property and other text
alignment and sizing properties if DevTools could simply display baselines
in the page, overlaid on an element.
I'd be very interested to talk about this more with someone working on
Gecko who would know how this could be done, and I've just filed this bug:

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