
The presentation of start-up crashes on crash-stats has improved
recently. If you look at the top crashes for Nightly
you will see three different icons that are next to some crash
signatures: a rocket, a red flag, and a yellow flag. If you hover over
these you will see the following explanatory tool-tips.

- Rocket: "Potential Startup Crash, more than half of the crashes
happened during the first minute after launch". This icon has been
used for a long time and its meaning has not changed.

- Red flag: "Startup Crash, all crashes happened during startup". This
icon was added in Its presence is
based on a new annotation in crash reports, called "StartupCrash",
which was added in and landed in
Firefox 51. The annotation is initially set to 1 and then gets set to
zero once the browser reaches a certain point during start-up. This
annotation is only added in the chrome process. See the bug for more

- Yellow flag: "Potential Startup Crash, M out of N crashes happened
during startup". This is similar to the red flag, but applied when not
all crashes have StartupCrash=1. It is never shown at the same time as
the red flag.

The rocket heuristic is fairly crude (e.g. it's affected by the speed
of your computer) and generous and so may include crashes that aren't
genuine start-up crashes; it also can only be applied to a group of
crashes, as opposed to a single crash.

The StartupCrash annotation has a much clearer meaning. It is also
stricter, and so quite a few crash signatures have the rocket icon but
neither flag icon. You can also view the StartupCrash annotation for
individual crashes and search for it.

The exact definition of "startup crash" isn't clear in general, so
some crashes that some people might consider "startup crashes" may not
get both a rocket icon and a flag icon. But if a crash signature has
the red flag icon, it meets a quite strict definition of "startup
crash", and should be prioritized accordingly. Also, crash signature
with a yellow flag icon and a high StartupCrash=1 proportion should be
considered similarly.

It's possible that the rocket icon will go away eventually. We are
currently evaluating the flag icons against the rocket icon to see how
they compare. Feedback is welcome. (For example, it just occurred to
me that the red vs. yellow distinction might be problematic for
colour-blind users.) Thank you.

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