In bug 781982, we're planning on implementing IndexedDB capabilities in
Private Browsing Mode.

The current plan is to:

- Store IDB databases, minus blobs, in memory for the lifetime of the
private browsing session
- Store blobs to disk, encrypted via a key that is only held in memory
during the private browsing session. We'll clean up encrypted blobs on disk
at the end of the private browsing session, or on next startup if there is
a crash.

One of the main reasons of this design is games. Apparently we've gotten a
lot of requests for being able to play games in private browsing mode, and
storing blobs for game assets in memory would quickly eat through whatever
probably conservative memory budget we would allocate. However, there's
been some pushback on the idea of storing anything to disk while in private
browsing mode, so we'd like to get some input about this.

AFAIK, Chrome's strategy for this is to just store everything in memory and
keep a fairly small size cap on it (something like 32mb?).


Platform coverage: All platforms.

Estimated or target release: Not yet determined.

Do other browser engines implement this?
Blink: Yes
Edge: Not yet implemented.
WebKit: Yes

Tests: Not yet written.
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