Le jeudi 15 décembre 2016 10:47:28 UTC+1, masayuki nakano a écrit :

> So, it might be better to stop supporting multiple selection only in 
> editor if the feature is not so loved by users.

We were already discussing this issue at Netscape 15 years ago but could not 
come up with a good solution at that time. Thanks for bringing it back, this 
could be the right time to finally solve it.

Some existing use cases:

1. this is absolutely needed for table cell selection. Everyone extensively 
using tables uses multiple selection at some point.

2. Microsoft Word on all platforms and in general all commercial Whysiwyg Text 
editors allow multiple selection.

3. multiple selection is really cool if you think of images representing 
videoframes you select to edit/crop a video.

4. "search a text" often ends with a multiple selection of all occurrences of 
the pattern in the document

On another hand, I think selection would benefit from a boolean attribute 
saying if the rendering engine allows or not multiple selection and if it does 
not, having shortcut mechanisms allowing to get rid of the onmipresent and 
painful getRangeAt(0). We do quite equivalent things when the selection is 

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