Just wanted to highlight some recent Treeherder changes of interest to sheriffs and platform developers:

* As of today, we have a completely rewritten logviewer which (among
  other things) has vastly improved scrolling behaviour, making it
  much faster to diagnose the cause of a failing job. Many thanks to
  Eli Perelman and Hassan Ali from the Taskcluster team for generalizing
  the Taskcluster logviewer and integrating it into Treeherder. You can
  read more about this new logviewer in Hassan's blog post here:

* The similar jobs panel is vastly faster than it was before
  (accessible after clicking a job). If you wanted to use this feature
  before (say, to determine whether a failure is highly intermittent)
  but avoided it due to the long waits, please give it another try.
  See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1246196 for more

* The inaccurately-named-but-still-insanely-cool "one click loaner"
  feature, which lets you "check out" a test machine identical to the
  ones we use in automation, is now more discoverable. Instead of
  trawling through a bunch of mostly irrelevant links, you can now just
  click on the  "ellipsis" button on the job details panel (see attached
  screenshot) for any taskcluster job to get a set of taskcluster
  options, including this one. For more information on taskcluster
  interactive loaners, please see
  https://ahal.ca/blog/2016/taskcluster-interactive-loaner/ (note that
  post is a little old, so some of the limitations described
  there may no longer apply)

Happy treeherding!

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