Three quick notes about updates for things we're doing with ESlint and Firefox:

1. There's a new help page on devmo with ESLint tips & advice:
2. Jared has been posting about about rules being enabled on his blog:
3. I have just landed enabling the no-undef
   <> rule for services/
   <> on autoland
   (assuming it sticks).

More information on no-undef:

 * I'm planning to enable it for toolkit/ and browser/ soon. This is
   likely to be a phased roll-out.
 * Due to the way our import system works (Cu.import and also xul/html
   files including multiple js files), detecting all the globals has
   been quite complicated. We're getting there, but it isn't perfect
   yet, but we've already been finding bugs and dead code, so the
   benefits are real.
 * The devmo page lists hints for working with no-undef
   <>. These should
   hopefully get simpler over time.

If there's any questions or comments, please stop by #eslint on irc.


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