On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 09:12:55AM +1100, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
Now for the reason I raised this: the major downside of using multiple
processes is that it increases memory usage. Recent-ish measurements showed
that for e10s-multi we could probably go up to 4 content processes without
blowing it out too badly, but 8 would be a major problem.

However, it's obvious from the above that lots of different groups have
already or are planning to use separate processes for other things,
regardless of what number is chosen for e10s-multi. The apparent lack of
coordination here concerns me, and I'd like to have a concrete discussion
about the expected combined effects of so many separate processes.

As far as web content, file, and extension processes go, we should probably aim to keep all three types within the limit for the total number of content processes. If we're already at our limit for web content processes and we need to load file or extension content, we don't have a choice but to spawn a new process if we don't already have one. But once we do hit our limit, we can at least avoid spawning new processes of the same type until we drop below it again.
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