On 2017-03-16 6:29 PM, Dave Townsend wrote:
> For a long time now we've been writing JS code that waits for promises
> using Task.jsm and generator functions. Recently though the JS team
> added support for the JS standard way of doing this, async/await:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function
> Writing code in standard JS is always better for the web, makes it
> easier to onboard new engineers and allows for better support in
> developer tools. So I'd like to propose that we switch to the standard
> way of writing these functions immediately. New code should use
> async/await instead of Task.jsm going forwards.
> Florian has some rough plans to automatically rewrite existing usages of
> Task.jsm to the standard JS forms so for now don't worry much about
> going and submitting patches to fix up existing code. Once that is done
> we can remove Task.jsm from the tree.
> Does anyone object to any of this?

Have we measured the performance of our async/await implementation?  I
think we should definitely do some extensive testing of the performance
of any new ES primitives before deciding to switch to using them in the
front-end code en masse.  Of course, if the performance result aren't
good, that doesn't mean we shouldn't use them in the front-end code, it
means we need to make the performance better.  :-)  But we need to be
able to make the trade-off cautiously.

On the plus side, I sometimes really struggle to read the profiles when
looking at the JS call stacks involving Task.jsm primitives, so moving
away from them sounds really exciting to me personally!


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