On 12/05/17 08:46, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> For about five years I've been trying to figure out the IDNA algorithm
> that a) browsers follow and b) browsers want to follow, but I've not
> had much luck thus far getting folks to reply. E.g.,
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2017Feb/0006.html
> went largely unaddressed.

Well, you generally know my opinion :-) IDNA 2008 non-transitional.

> One big difference between http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/ and
> browsers is how ASCII is handled. Per UTS #46 ASCII is handled the
> same as non-ASCII. However, in browsers ASCII takes a "fast path" and
> skips the ToASCII algorithm. YouTube now depends on that (it has CDN
> domains with hyphens in the third and fourth position, as reported at,
> e.g., https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/12965).

ISTM that the 3rd/4th placed hyphens were banned so the domain name
system had an extension mechanism, and that was used for IDNA (xn--). If
we allow domains of that form, we no longer have that extension
mechanism. The question is, how big a loss is that?

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