Hi CJ,

On 5/23/17 10:13 PM, Ku(顧思捷)CJ wrote:
> I intend to remove "-moz-placeholder" pseudo-element and pseudo-class in
> bug 1300896.
> We already supported canonical version of them:
> 1. "::placeholder" in bug 1069012, FF 51.
> 2. ":placeholder-shown" in bug 1069015, FF 51.
> To support these mozilla-specific aliases introduces special-case handling
> in both stylo and gecko, which bring in unnecessary complexity.

It's pretty easy to find code on GitHub where only moz/webkit/ms
prefixes are used[1]. How complex is the special-case handling, beyond a
simple prefixed <-> unprefixed alias?


Mike Taylor
Web Compat, Mozilla
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