Nicolas, when JSBC is enabled by default, should we change our test procedure for our various page load tests (Talos and Softvision's manual testing)? Since the first page load will be slower than subsequent page loads (as you noted in the bug [1]), should we throw away the first page load time or continue to average it with the subsequent page load times?



On 6/13/17 2:50 AM, Nicolas B. Pierron wrote:
The JavaScript Start-up Bytecode Cache⁰ is a project which aims at reducing the page load time by recording the bytecode generated during the last visits and by-pass the JavaScript parser.

This project changes the way we process JavaScript script tags which are fetched from the network, and cached. After multiple visits¹, the bytecode would be encoded incrementally², as soon as the bytecode emitter generates it. Once we reached some idle time³, we save the content encoded incrementally as an alternate data on the cache⁴. The cache contains a compressed version of the source, the bytecode of functions which got executed during the start-up of the page, and all non-executed functions encoded as source indexes⁵.

On follow-up visits the script loader would load the alternate data instead⁶ of the source, and decode the bytecode either off-thread⁷ or on the current-thread. This is expected to replace the syntax checker and the bytecode emitter for all recorded functions.

This feature is currently pref-ed off and can be enabled by setting the following preferences in about:config⁸:
   - dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.enabled = true
   - dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.strategy = 0

For any issue caused by this optimization, filed it as a blocker of Bug 900784.

In the upcoming days, I will add telemetry probes to better tune the heuristics¹ for the web and monitor the known sources of fallback and failures. In addition, I will request for a pref-experiment, such that we can get more data from nightly users. At the moment, I expect to enable this feature around mid-July.
¹ These are heuristics which would be customized by running a pref-experiment. (see ² We cannot do it off-thread, nor after the execution (see ³ Currently set to the next cycle after the processing of the OnLoad event. (see ⁴ Thanks to Valentin Gosu for his work and support on the alternate data interface as part of necko. (see
⁶ This forces us to store the compressed source as part of the encoded bytecode, but prevent additional round-trip between the parent and child processes.

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