If you now see Mac compilation errors about "stdlib.h not found", try running `xcode-select --install`.

Part of the Stylo build process (rust-bindgen) can get confused about which clang header #include paths it should use. xcode-select can fix this. Bug 1366564 is a feature request for mach bootstrap to run xcode-select automatically.

On 2017-07-28 1:04 AM, Chris Peterson wrote:
Stylo support (pref'd off) has been built in automation builds for a couple weeks. Ralph Giles just landed bug 1384258 to also build Stylo support (pref'd off) in local developer builds, too. You should rerun `mach bootstrap` to make sure you have the latest versions of the Stylo and Rust dependencies.

Stylo currently builds on Windows, Mac, and Linux64. Linux32 is temporarily blocked by some build issues. Android support will follow after Firefox 57. Stylo adds a lot of new Rust code, which slows down Firefox build times. The Firefox build peers and Rust developers are working on a couple different methods to improve Rust build times.

If you don't work directly on Rust code locally, the biggest speedup available is probably sccache, a drop-in replacement for ccache that also supports Rust. Ted shared instructions for installing sccache on dev-platform earlier this week [1]. IIUC, sccache works best on Linux. There are currently some sccache bugs on Mac [2] and Windows (bug 1318370).

To enable Stylo for testing, set the "layout.css.servo.enabled" pref = true and report problems in the #servo IRC channel.

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/5srcnP-Wj4E/Uf_2gw2NAAAJ

[2] https://github.com/mozilla/sccache/issues/163

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