On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Ben Kelly <bke...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:05 AM, Andrea Marchesini <
> amarches...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Abort API is already part of the DOM spec and I would like to enable it by
>> default everywhere in our codebase (dom.abortController.enabled). Abort +
>> Fetch integration is not part of the spec yet. There is a read-ish
>> pull-request, but as soon as it is merged, I would like to enable the
>> second pref as well (dom.abortController.fetch.enabled).
> I don't understand why we would potentially ship these separately.  AFAICT
> the abort API is only really useful if its integrated into something like
> fetch().  Currently the Fetch API is the only part of the platform that
> uses it.
> Also, we have seen people do thing like feature detect for ReadableStream
> and assume Response.body can be a ReadableStream.  This is why we are not
> shipping the js ReadableStream until the fetch body stream can ship as
> well.  I worry that people would do a similar kind of feature detection
> with Abort API.
> Also, while the fetch+abort spec change has not landed yet, we pretty much
> have consensus.  There are WPT tests in the tree already.  I don't think
> this is what is blocking shipping the fetch+abort code.  To me its a bigger
> issue that we still don't pass many of those WPT tests.  If we passed the
> tests then I think we could reasonably ship it given the current level of
> consensus on the spec.

I spoke with Andrea and Jake (the spec author on this feature) a bit this
morning.  Our current test failures are all reasonable for different


So I would just like to see bug 1394102 land before we let abortable fetch
ride the trains.
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