On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 9/16/17 6:43 AM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> I'd prefer to take a data-driven approach to answering the question of "do
>>> we need to support vanilla Git." I wish I had local developer metrics or
>>> results from a recent developer survey to feed into a decision. In lieu
>>> of
>>> that data, I'd encourage users of vanilla Git to make noise on bug
>>> 1400470
>>> if you feel you need `mach try` support.
>>> This is not a good decision making procedure. First, requiring people to
>> volunteer their objections inherently underweights those objections
>> because
>> it's work to do so. Second, the current situation has incentivized people
>> to use cinnabar, so the number of vanilla git users is less than it
>> otherwise would be. But this is bad, for the reasons I listed above. The
>> right question is: what future do we want to live in, and that's a policy
>> question, not one decided by taking a (highly biased) poll of what people
>> currently do.
> Supporting more tool variants (eg adding bare git to the current two)
> requires more resources.

Well, if we simply supported vanilla git properly, we wouldn't need
cinnabar support, so it's not strictly greater.

> In a perfect world, that resource decision would be based on the actual
> costs and benefits to the overall organization. My observation is that so
> far, we have kept a tight limit on the number of resources dedicated to
> this sort of tooling, independent of an objective cost/benefit analysis.
> (Which is even somewhat justifiable; tooling, like many other areas, can
> easily grow to absorb whatever resources you give it, so it's hard to judge
> "enough".)
> This means that I have a lot of sympathy for the tooling people who would
> be forced to maintain the wider variation, with no reason to believe that
> the necessary resources will be made available. It will just starve out
> resources for other tooling, limiting us closer to a common denominator set
> of functionality.

You say "common denominator" like it's a bad thing. But using commodity
tooling is *good*, not bad, as the recent example of doing something
largely custom with mozreview rather than just taking Pharicator
more-or-less off the shelf demonstrates. The reason to write new tooling is
when you can't get away with commodity tooling.

> But that's just a general observation; if you look at this specific case,
> it might not be much effort to support native git for richer/future try
> pushing. But that's very different from requiring all the tools to support
> native git on an equal basis. And it seems reasonable to evaluate the
> utility of this specific support via a poll, even one known to be biased.

I don't think that's true, for the reasons I indicated above. Rather,
there's a policy decision about whether we are going to have Git as a
first-class thing or whether we are going to continue force everyone who
uses Git to fight with inadequate workflows. We know there are plenty of
people who use Git.

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