On 09/20/2017 01:52 PM, Michael Layzell wrote:
Doug Thayer has written a visualizer for the collected data called
hangs.html (https://arewesmoothyet.com), based on the perf.html profiler
viewer. This interface allows analysis of the change in frequency of
specific hangs over time, lots of tools for filtering through hang
information, as well as a profiler-like interface for drilling into
specific hang stacks to determine what might be causing the problems.

This looks like a really interesting tools, and I am glad we have this information in a much more readable format now! While I think I got a rough idea of the content which is presented, I want to make sure I read this content correctly.

Thus, I have a few questions/comments, related to reading these data, and also related to investigating these reports, and to determine the importance (impact/priority) that we should give to each of these issues.

> What impact has a stack which is being reported at 1% / 0.5% / 0% ?

I see that the histograms on top are changing each time I highlight a new line. When I mouse-over the histograms buckets I notice the "ms/h" metric.

What does it mean? Does that mean that in any browsing session, any user will see the given signature for X ms per hour?

Should the left column of the profiles report the time in ms/h instead of unit-less % ?

> Is the histogram indexed by build-id / report-date?

> Is there a way to get the URL on which these hangs are reported?

> Can we have a larger history of hangs per signatures? (similar to crash-stat [1])

Calixte made a tool to associate a newly reported crash to a recent changes. Would it be possible to look at the same kind of tools based on the reports of the BHR, with a given buildId ?

[1] https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/signature/?product=Firefox&version=57.0a1&signature=RtlEnterCriticalSection%20%7C%20mozilla%3A%3Anet%3A%3ACacheStorageService%3A%3ACacheQueueSize&date=%3E%3D2017-03-20T15%3A55%3A32.000Z&date=%3C2017-09-20T15%3A55%3A32.000Z#graphs

Nicolas B. Pierron
dev-platform mailing list

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