Welcome to the third Browser Architecture Newsletter! Since our last update
we’ve continued to investigate moving away from XBL and started to document
what we’re talking about when we talk about XUL problems. We’re also
working with members of the Sync, AS, and Lockbox teams to figure out what
the future of storage and syncing looks like for Mozilla.

A lot of the issues that the Browser Architecture team are digging into are
larger than our team. Our goal is to discuss and review entire product
level architecture issues and build consensus around solutions. We’re
interested in engaging with engineers around the organization. We’re
actively reaching out to folks but if you want to talk to us we’d sure love
to hear from you. You can find us in #browser-arch on IRC or Slack.
Architecture Review

We are asking for comments on our proposed process
for when our team performs architecture reviews. The process is in draft
right now so if you have suggestions for how to improve it please let us

If you’ve got ideas, questions, or concerns, talk to jwalker
XBL Removal

We’ve filed a meta bug
<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1397874> for our de-XBL work,
which includes a variety of prototypes and other investigations, including:
moving XBL bindings to Custom Elements, moving XBL bindings to JS modules,
and performance comparisons of XBL bindings to a custom elements polyfill.
You can view all the prototypes and investigations we’re working on by
viewing the meta bug’s dependencies.

We’re getting ready to run through a design review for our XBL replacement
plans. The review will be chaired by Dave Townsend and include a panel of
experts on both Gecko and Firefox. The review process itself is a work in
progress, and our XBL Removal review is a trial run to help us refine it.
Look for more information on the review itself soon when we get further
along in the process.

If you’ve got ideas, questions, or concerns, talk to bgrins
Storage and Sync

We’ve captured <https://github.com/mozilla/firefox-data-store-docs> a bunch
of knowledge about Firefox’s data stores. That effort is feeding into some
roadmapping work with the Sync and Activity Stream teams. We hope to have
some concrete roadmap documentation underway by our next newsletter, as
well as some stage-setting blog posts.

We expect that the future will include some cross-platform Rust storage
services, so we’ve been researching how this looks in practice. Deploying
an Rust library on iOS
is a short tutorial describing how to build and deploy a Rust library for
use inside an iOS app.

If you’ve got ideas, questions, or concerns, talk to rnewman
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/rnewman/> or fluffyemily
Workflow Improvements

   - You can now
   open Browser Toolboxes on more than one instance of Firefox at the same time
   - The ‘no popup autohide’ mode that can be toggled in the Browser
   Toolbox to inspect popups now automatically resets
   <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1251658> when the toolbox
   closes if you clicked the button to enable it. You can also flip this pref
   yourself with `ui.popup.disable_autohide`
   - dump() is now enabled by default
   <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1395711> in local builds -
   kudos to :kmag for doing this

If you’ve got ideas, questions, or concerns, talk to bgrins
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/bgrinstead/> or nalexander
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/nalexander/>. If you have suggestions or
pain points about doing Gecko development (non-front-end), please contact
jesup <https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/jesup/>.
Front-end Developer Survey

We’ve sent out a survey to front-end developers asking them about their
workflow and productivity issues. The results of this survey will help us
target future workflow and development improvements.

If you’re an employee working on front-end Firefox code and you haven’t
received the survey, please let mossop
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/Mossop/> or nalexander
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/nalexander/> know so we can get it to you!
We’re still discussing if we should open this survey up to contributors at
this time. If you’ve got other ideas, questions, or concerns, mossop
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/Mossop/> and nalexander
<https://mozillians.org/en-US/u/nalexander/> are also the right people to
dev-platform mailing list

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