>On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 05:37:30PM +0200, smaug wrote:
>>This has been an issue forever, and there aren't really good tools on any 
>>browser, as far as
>>I know, for web devs to debug their leaks.
>>Internally we do have useful data (CC and GC graphs and such), but would need 
>>quite some ux skills to design some good
>>UI to deal with leaks. Also, the data to deal with is often massive, so the 
>>tool should be implemented that in mind.
>We do have memory tools in devtools now, and the dominator tree in
>particular can provide some useful data for tracking down leaks. But those
>tools aren't especially well-maintained at the moment, and I honestly think
>they're too flaky at this point to recommend to webdevs for general use :(
>It would be nice if we could prioritize them again.

Also, tools for developing a page are one thing, but usage in the field
is another.  Ability to know in a loaded page about memory use (and to
know about usage of an embedded iframe) would give web devs information
and a way to put their own pressure (and maybe limits) on.

Plus, most devs unless they're dealing with a report about a problem
won't go looking.  Something that proactively can poke them is far more
likely to get action.

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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