On 08/01/2018 21:51, Mike Hommey wrote:
On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 11:15:13AM -0500, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
Just a heads-up, thanks to a bunch of work by Emilio, searchfox.org
now indexes rust code as well, so you can do things like jump to
function definitions and call sites and whatnot. Please use it and
file bugs under Webtools :: Searchfox for defects or feature requests.
I'm not sure how quickly we'll be able to fix them but it'll be good
to have stuff on file.

So, now that searchfox is definitely more useful than dxr, can we do
something about not having two such services?

I would like there not to be 2 services that we maintain etc.

However, querying searchfox is still less powerful than DXR. I can't search for two separate strings on the same line, I can't progressively filter my search by excluding more and more directories that I see turning up in searches that I don't care about, etc.

For indexing, it seems searchfox also doesn't index JS in any non-JS files (HTML, XUL, XBL, ...).

I expect which of the two is more useful is quite likely to depend on what people use it *for*.

~ Gijs
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