For the last few years, mochitests have run in special extension scopes, which did things like interpose them with e10s shims and allow them to use unsafe CPOWs. As of today, those extension scopes no longer exist, and neither the mochitest harness nor the tests it runs have access to unsafe CPOWs.

Existing tests that still rely on unsafe CPOWs have been whitelisted with the "uses-unsafe-cpows" annotation in their manifest. Please *do not* add this annotation (or permitCPOWsInScope calls) to new tests. If you add this annotation to any new tests[1], and I find out[2], I will disable those tests without notice.



[1]: Yes, even if the CPOW use is in existing code that's used by other tests. Yes, even if you're copying and modifying an existing test. Yes, even if it's so much more convenient.
[2]: And I will.
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