On Fri, 18 May 2018 13:13:04 -0400, Chris AtLee wrote:

> IMO, it's not reasonable to keep CI builds around forever, so the question
> is then how long to keep them? 1 year doesn't quite cover a full ESR cycle,
> would 18 months be sufficient for most cases?
> Alternatively, we could investigate having different expiration policies
> for different type of artifacts. My assumption is that the Firefox binaries
> for the opt builds are the most useful over the long term, and that other
> build configurations and artifacts are less useful. How accurate is that
> assumption?

Having a subset of builds around for longer would be more useful
to me than having all builds available for a shorter period.

The nightly builds often include large numbers of changesets,
sometimes collected over several days, and so it becomes hard to
identify which code change modified a particular behavior.

I always use opt builds for regression testing, and so your
assumption is consistent with my experience.

I assume there are more pgo builds than nightly builds, but fewer
than all opt builds.  If so, then having a long expiration policy
on pgo builds could be a helpful way to reduce storage costs but
maintain the most valuable builds.
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