Hi all,

If you contribute to the development of Firefox, the changes outlined in
this post will impact you.

tl;dr - What’s changing:

   - Firefox continuous integration (firefox-ci) based discussions #releng,
   #buildduty, aed #taskcluster are being moved to the newly created #ci IRC
   - #releng and #buildduty will be closed over next 7 days and people will
      be directed over to #ci
      - #taskcluster will live on but be focused on the development of
      Taskcluster, the product itself
   - The buildduty team will now be known as ciduty
   - Firefox developers now have a 24/7 support team (ciduty) for reporting
   issues and enquiring about continuous integration infrastructure
   - ciduty will help track and publish changes across infrastructure. This
   will be used to correlate regressions or issues

See here for the motivation and details
of each of these bullet points.

For questions or concerns that weren't addressed in above motivation doc,
please add them to this Q&A doc
and we will make sure it gets a response.

CIDuty home page and official wiki <https://wiki.mozilla.org/CIDuty>

-- jlund
dev-platform mailing list

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