Is there a guideline that should be used to evaluate what can
acceptably run in the same process for different sites?

I assume the primary goal is to prevent one site from reading
information that should only be available to another site?

There would also be defense-in-depth value from having each site
sandboxed separately because a security breach from one site could
not compromise another.

I guess a single compositor process is acceptable because there is
essentially no information returning from the compositor?

A font server may be acceptable, because information returned is
of limited power?

Use of system font, graphics, or audio servers is in a similar
bucket I guess.

Would using a single process for network be acceptable, not
because information returned is limited, but because we're willing
to have some compromise because there is a small API surface?  Or
would that be acceptable because content JS does not run in that

Would it be acceptable to perform layout in a single process for
multiple sites (if that were practical)?

Would it be easier to answer the opposite question?  What should
not run in a shared process?  JS is a given.  Others?
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