Hello all,
being among those unfortunate enough to have updated Visual Studio
before realizing that the most recent version cannot be used to build
Firefox, I was faced with the prospect of reinstalling the whole
monstrosity - which takes forever - or finding a workaround. As it turns
out I found a clunky yet simple one:

- Launch the Visual Studio Installer, the click on the "modify" button

- Go into the "Individual components" and select the "VC++ 2017 version
15.6 v14.13 toolset" component

- Launch the installation

- Modify build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure by manually setting the
tools_version string in [1] to the value '14.13.26128'

- You're done! Both a clang-cl and a msvc should now pick up the old
tooling and work properly (provided you have the right Windows SDK).

I couldn't find a way to override this via mozconfig options or
environment variables but if there is a way to do this without modifying
the sources I'd like to hear it.



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