
Here's the list of new issues found and filed by the Desktop Release QA team 
last two weeks.
Additional details on the team's priorities last week, as well as the plans for 
the current week are available at: https://tinyurl.com/yb7ktxsc
Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 7 days

Firefox: Sync
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483866 - [Ubuntu] Visual glitch inside the Disconnect 
Sync dialog

Firefox: Bookmarks & History
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483931 - User should be notify if any attempt to save 
the same keyword for a bookmark, that was already saved for a search engine

Firefox: Activity Streams: Newtab
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1484199 - The default Top Stories position is annulled 
by section reordering
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1484631 - A way to bypass the @amazon and @google 
keywords on the awesome-bar
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1484661 - CTRL+ENTER on @amazon and @google brings up 
login confirmation window

Firefox: Toolbars and Customization
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1484275 - Hamburger menu breaks after force opening it 
during a bookmark animation

Firefox: General
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483214 - Black shadow is displayed behind the text in 
about:welcome page when Dark theme is enabled

Core: Widget: Win32
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482953 - [meta] Windows 10 "Redstone 5" tracking bug

Core: Networking: HTTP
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483193 - Weather.com website cannot be loaded: "The 
page isn't redirecting properly" in EU countries

Toolkit: Video/Audio Controls
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482920 - [Redstone 5] Video does not enter correctly 
in full screen if the FF window is snapped

Toolkit: Data Sanitization
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483271 - Clearing all cookies doesn't remove them

Tech Evangelism: Desktop
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483220 - Camera not found trying to stream on Facebook

DevTools: Console       
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482796 - :screenshot - high dpr/fullpage options cause 
browser to crash
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482799 - :screenshot -- fullpage while being zoomed at 
300% triggers no action on macOS
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482800 - :screenshot - command line issues
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482807 - :screenshot - selector option issues
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482811 - :screenshot - autocomplete issues
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482813 - :screenshot - delay option on devTools or 
browser close

DevTools: Inspector
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1482869 - 3-pane info pop-up not sticking to button on 
DevTools section zoom

DevTools: Inspector
RESOLVED FIXED - https://bugzil.la/1483134 - Inspector/3-pane scroll bar 
expands over headers on zoom or devTools height resize
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1483868 - [Win] Title tooltips from inspector sidebar 
tabs - extra space on zoom-out to max

This is available as a Bugzilla bug list as well: https://tinyurl.com/y9lxpmzc

Bogdan (:bogdan_maris)
Desktop Release QA

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