As of Firefox 64, I intend to turn on unprefixed Fullscreen API by default on 
all platforms. It has been developed behind the 
full-screen-api.unprefix.enabled preference.

Bug to turn on by default:

Unprefixed Fullscreen API has been enabled in Nightly since Firefox 47. We once 
attempted to ship it at that time, but failed because of some webcompat 
concerns which happen only when unprefixed Fullscreen API is present. Since 
then, the spec has been revised to address some of the issues, but some of them 
were not fixable from our side, so I hoped to have other browsers do 
coordinated shipping with us.

After years, Chrome / Blink eventually caught up the spec, and it reached a 
point that they are attempting to ship it now. I think this is the best chance 
ever we can have unprefixed Fullscreen API actually available on the web. 
Chrome will ship it in Chrome 71 which reaches stable on Dec 4, and Firefox 64 
will reach release on Dec 11, so it's roughly the same time frame.

Notably, there are two feature changes since our last attempt to unprefix 
Fullscreen API:
1. Fullscreen related events are now dispatched to element when it is still 
connected in the same document, which matches other browsers' behavior and 
provides better modularization opportunity.
2. Element.requestFullscreen() and Document.exitFullscreen() now return Promise 
which gets resolved when fullscreen change finishes.

I'd also like to deprecate the prefixed Fullscreen API, but probably we should 
do that only after unprefixed Fullscreen API reaches release.

- Xidorn
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