Unfortunately, the ‘format-source’ extension did not work for me. Please
see <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1511594>.

On 2018/11/30 23:46, Andi-Bogdan Postelnicu wrote:
> Hello all
> Starting with revision 6f3709b3878117466168c40affa7bca0b60cf75b 
> <https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/6f3709b3878117466168c40affa7bca0b60cf75b>
>  mozilla-central has been formatted using ./mach clang-format following the 
> Google coding style. 
> In order to diminish as much as possible the effort of merging pre-format 
> patches into our newly formatted repo we devised the following plan for the 
> two SCMs that we use:
> Mercurial
> Please make sure you run ‘mach bootstrap’ and allow the install of the 
> ‘format-source’ extension before pulling the reformat changeset. This 
> extension provides a simple and behind-the-curtains way on how you can 
> integrate un-formatted code into a formatted repo. 
>     Example
> Let’s assume the patch that need rebasing is at rev: 1000 and mozilla-central 
> is at rev: 2000.
> hg rebase -b 1000 -d 2000
> Or in case you want to have a more verbose output:
> hg rebase -b 1000 -d 2000 -debug
> The extension registers at the merge level and it will format both sides and 
> after that uses the original merge tool to combine for the final result.
>         For more detailed information on the process please also see this 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/13AwAsvKMhH0mflDlfatBqn6LmZHiQih76oxM4zfrPl4/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=110354964518198126513>
>  document.
>  Git
>     Courtesy of Ehsan and Emilio there are two ways that help with the merge:
>         Ehsan’s implementation 
> <https://github.com/ehsan/clang-format-reformat-branch>
>         Emilio’s implementation <https://github.com/emilio/clang-format-merge>
> For your convenience, the parent changeset of the reformat changeset has been 
> tagged in Mercurial as “PRE_TREEWIDE_CLANG_FORMAT”.  This will allow easily 
> updating to that version using the following command for example when 
> rebasing local changes:
> Hope this transition goes smooth as possible but if something comes up and 
> you need assistance please ping Andi on IRC.
> Many thanks,
> Ehsan, Sylvestre and Andi 
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