The Engineering Workflow team is focused on improving the Firefox development processes. Many of the decisions are driven directly by established policies.

Finding clearly documented policies has proven to be a challenge - policies are stored across multiple systems making them difficult find, are clearly out of date, or simply don’t exist.

I’m working on creating a single catalogue which points to existing documentation (obsolete or not), and I’d like your help in finding documentation relating to Firefox development.

This should help us identify and reduce:

- “Mozilla Folklore” - where work is performed in a particular way however nothing is written down solidifying the practice.  This is problematic for tooling as quite often there are slight variations between teams in how these practices are followed.  One example that I’m trying to track down is “mozilla-central should be commit-level bisectable”.

- Out of date documentation - a central catalogue simplifies locating documentation that needs to be updated or removed as our policies change.  For example the Super Review Policy is still live, and contains a list of super-reviewers that appears to be 8+ years out of date.

For now I’ve created a Google document at as a collection point; please add your comments there or reply to this thread with pointers to documentation or to highlight “Mozilla Folklore” that you feel should be written down.

The contents will be moved to a more suitable home once the initial gathering phase is completed.


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