Here is another bug with the same pattern (recently added, unrelated to the
others, no other failures on this test, timeout "literally" "impossible",
log shows that the test is not timing out):

It would be good to have a single bug to dup all of these to. Who's working
on this platform?


On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:20 PM <> wrote:

> Hi,
> There are some strange intermittent timeout reports on
> android-em-4-3-armv7-api16 platform, I suspect there is something wrong on
> this test platform.
> All of the tests are recently added, they are completely unrelated to each
> other, and there are no other failures on these tests.
> But they have one or two intermittent failure on
> "android-em-4-3-armv7-api16". I'm familiar with 2 of the testcases, they
> are impossible to cause a timeout. Especially Bug 1535286 is just a patch
> to remove a bogus assertion with a trivial testcase `<animateMotion
> keyTimes='.1;.6;.6' path='m0,1l7,3' keyPoints='.6;1;.7'/>`, which literally
> is impossible to timeout.
> Could anyone investigate whether there are some problems on
> "android-em-4-3-armv7-api16" to cause newly added testcase to timeout?
> Thanks.
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