On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 8:12 PM J.C. Jones <j...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> It appears that if we want full security key support for Google
> Accounts in Firefox in the near term, we need to graduate our FIDO U2F
> API support from “experimental and behind a pref”

I think it's problematic to describe something as "experimental" if
it's not on path to getting enabled. "Experimental and behind a pref"
sounds like it's on track to getting enabled, so simultaneously 1)
sites have a reason to believe they don't need to do anything for
Firefox, since for now users can flip a pref and the feature is coming
anyway and 2) still the feature doesn't actually work by default for
users, and, considering the penalty of using an experimental feature
where the experiment fails is getting locked out of an account for
this particular feature.

So I think it's especially important to move *somewhere* from the
"experimental and behind a pref" state: Either to interop with Chrome
to the extent required by actual sites (regardless of what's de jure
standard) or to clear removal so that the feature doesn't look like
sites should just wait for it to get enabled and that the sites expect
the user to flip a pref.

As a user, I'd prefer the "interop with Chrome" option.

> to either “enabled
> by default” or “enabled for specific domains by default.” I am
> proposing the latter.

Why not the former? Won't the latter still make other sites wait in
the hope that if they don't change, they'll get onto the list
eventually anyway?

> First, we only implemented the optional Javascript version of the API,
> not the required MessagePort implementation [3]. This is mostly
> semantics, because everyone actually uses the JS API via a
> Google-supplied polyfill called u2f-api.js.

Do I understand correctly that the part that is actually needed for
interop is implemented?

> As I’ve tried to establish, I’ve had reasons to resist shipping the
> FIDO U2F API in Firefox, and I believe those reasons to be valid.
> However, a multi-year delay for the largest security key-enabled web
> property is, I think, unreasonable to push upon our users. We should
> do what’s necessary to enable full security key support on Google
> Accounts as quickly as is  practical.

This concern seems to apply to other services as well.

> I’ve proposed here making the FIDO U2F API whitelist a pref. I can’t
> say whether I would welcome adding more domains to it by default; I
> think we’re going to have to take them on a case-by-case basis.

What user-relevant problem is solved by having to add domains to a
list compared to making the feature available to all domains?

Henri Sivonen
dev-platform mailing list

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