
Here's the list of new issues found and filed by the Desktop Release QA team in the last 7 days. Additional details on the team's priorities last week, as well as the plans for the current week are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y2reed2y.
Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 7 days:

Firefox: Installer
RESOLVED FIXED - https://bugzil.la/1553163 - The stub installer prompt background image has glitches in high contrast theme

Firefox: Installer
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1553433 - [Win] Text inside the Install/Uninstall Firefox prompt turns blank in high contrast

Firefox: Installer
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1553532 - [Stub installer] Updating Firefox without using Profile manager doesn't remove the previously installed add-ons

Firefox: Installer
RESOLVED WONTFIX - https://bugzil.la/1554114 - Installation is not stopped if clicking X after the progress bar has passed the halfway point

Firefox: Installer
ASSIGNED - https://bugzil.la/1554141 - Nightly Stub Installer Paveover update prompt is not displayed

Firefox: Installer
RESOLVED FIXED - https://bugzil.la/1554148 - The "Re-install" button in not positioned correctly on some of the locale

Firefox: Installer
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1554154 - [Intermittent] Re-install prompt has an inconsistent behaviour

Firefox Build System: General
NEW    - https://bugzil.la/1553065 - [linux] Nightly logo and name is shown under about Firefox window

Core: Plug-ins
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1553084 - Firefox unable to launch Flash Games from Facebook on Windows 7x86 platform

Toolkit: Application Update
RESOLVED FIXED - https://bugzil.la/1552853 - Update downloads get stuck at 'Applying update' state in the UI (updates continue to work) when Mozilla Maintenance Service is disabled

Toolkit: Startup and Profile System
NEW - https://bugzil.la/1554153 - [Dedicated Profiles] Firefox becomes unresponsive when opening a link from an external program

mozilla: blurts-server
CLOSED - https://github.com/mozilla/contain-facebook/issues/373 - Facebook's sign up button does not work on https://www.deezer.com/

mozilla: contain-facebook
OPEN - https://github.com/mozilla/contain-facebook/issues/376 - You can still share a blocked site by using middle click

mozilla: contain-facebook
OPEN - https://github.com/mozilla/contain-facebook/issues/377 - By clicking on the badge from share with Facebook button, makes the dropdown disappear on twitch

mozilla: blurts-server
CLOSED - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/977 - White pixel is displayed on the upper left side of the website

mozilla: blurts-server
CLOSED - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/978 - The email address is cut off in the profile dashboard if the FF window is resized

mozilla: blurts-server
CLOSED - https://github.com/mozilla/blurts-server/issues/979 - The text below the "Sign up for Alerts" button has the font too small compared to the specs

This is available as a Bugzilla bug list as well: https://tinyurl.com/y4g8ybgh.

Mihai Boldan

dev-platform mailing list

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