Devoted Searchfox Users,

Last week you may have noticed that namespaces, class names, and function names have been sticking to the top of the screen in a testament to the power of CSS's position:sticky support.

And you may have said: "Huh, I hope they style that more."[1]

Well, hope no more!

The bad news is that searchfox has somewhat aggressive caching directives[2] and changes to the CSS means that things may look super-broken unless you hit shift-control-refresh to make sure you've got that most up-to-date CSS. If you have already figured this out, then congratulations, because you have unlocked the special bonus footnote[3].


1: Note that I didn't say better.  If you are a person of taste and refinement, we are accepting better CSS styles in or any follow-ups you may file.

2: Note that I didn't say optimal.  If you are a person of caching expertise and wisdom, we are accepting better caching directives in

3: Note that I didn't define whether the bonus was good or bad. Do you like the history API, or failing that, the hashchange API? Would you like to improve Searchfox's scrolling logic? Then is for you!
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