FWIW RefPtr already behaves as MaybeNull for assert-on-deref, making
them functionally Maybe<T&>. (though they don't represent a contract
that it's nullable)

For non-outvar-args, I tend to use references to document non-null,
though I do so even for many non-const uses. (balancing what is and
isn't `mutable`/non-const is hard. Casual vs important side-effects)
References obviously should not be null, which makes the non-null
contract pretty obvious, though there's no assert for `*(T*)foo`. Like
you say though, null-derefs are self-asserting. :)

Outvars are always pointers for me, non-null unless documented
otherwise. (I should probably be using NotNull, but again,

I agree that it's often not clear when args are actually nullable,
with the exception of dom::Nullable coming out of bindings code. Maybe
we should move Nullable to mfbt? I like the idea of annotating these
contracts. (Possibly also a NullableRefPtr? I occasionally use
Maybe<RefPtr<T>> for this, but the double-deref it requires is sort of

If we want a pure annotation, we could always `#define NULLABLE`!

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 12:00 AM Karl Tomlinson <mozn...@karlt.net> wrote:
> Google style requires pointers for parameters that may be mutated
> by the callee, which provides that the potential mutation is
> visible at the call site.  Pointers to `const` types are
> permitted, but recommended when "input is somehow treated
> differently" [1], such as when a null value may be passed.
> Comments at function declarations should mention
> "Whether any of the arguments can be a null pointer." [2]
> Some Gecko code has instead sometimes used a different
> reference/pointer convention to identify parameters which can be
> null.  With Google style, there is the question of whether to use
> a different mechanism to indicate whether or not pointer parameter
> may be null.
> If a method signature wants a pointer to an object of a particular
> type, then I would usually expect to need to provide a pointer to
> an object, unless documented otherwise.  I wonder whether in the
> general case, possibly-null pointers are more the exception than
> the rule?  Does use of NotNull add much value if most pointer
> parameters are assumed not null, but not explicitly wrapped?
> I wonder whether the reverse kind of wrapping would be more
> useful?  A MaybeNull type was previously contemplated but
> considered more complex and less obviously useful [3].
> A NotNull wrapping of the parameter would catch nulls when set in
> debug builds.  A MaybeNull wrapping could catch nulls when
> dereferenced.  Assertions don't really seem necessary to me
> because we are almost certain to find out anyway if code that
> expects non-null receives a null pointer.  Behavior is actually
> undefined, but I don't recall ever seeing a small null offset
> dereference bug rated worse than sec-low.  The primary benefit of
> a wrapping would be to annotate expectations and perhaps even
> require more though about what those are.
> mozilla::NotNull was introduced in 2016 [4] but hasn't seen much
> adoption.  I found very few header files that use NotNull
> consistently, but looked at the ones with most usage.
> At the time that NotNull usage was introduced to
> image/DecoderFactory.h [5], it was applied to eight parameters.
> Two pointer parameters did not get wrapped with NotNull.  Of those
> the `const char* aMimeType` parameter on the public method was
> assumed non-null by the implementation.  The other parameter was
> for a private method that permits `RasterImage* aImage` to be null.
> Since then, two additional `IDecodingTask** aOutTask` pointer
> parameters have been added, each of which is assumed non-null.
> intl/Encoding.h [6] has seven uses of NotNull in return types.
> In the C++ API exposed, I found five instances of pointers in
> return values where NotNull was not applied: each used nullptr as
> a sentinel.
> It seems that NotNull is particularly useful for Encoding because
> sometimes there may be a sentinel value and other times not.
> A MaybeNull alternative would be at least as useful in this case.
> I'm inclined to skip NotNull unless there is a special reason to
> use it.  Anyone have reason to feel differently?
> [1]
> https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Reference_Arguments
> [2]
> https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Function_Comments
> [3]
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/_jfnwDvcvN4/rl6c3TcFAQAJ
> [4]
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/6M_afibWhBA/MCmrYktaBgAJ
> [5]
> https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/f6528fc8520d47e507877da3dda798ab57385be2/image/DecoderFactory.h#93
> [6]
> https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/4fbcfe6fecf75d7b828fbebda79a31385f7eab5f/intl/Encoding.h
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