On 9/28/19 9:41 AM, longs...@gmail.com wrote:
In [1] I intend to unship the SVGZoomAndPan interface.

To be clear, this is unshipping that interface _and_ the mixin onto elements that adds a `zoomAndPan` attribute on them, right?

The SVG WG decided to remove this interface in [2] as it's either not 
implemented at all or does nothing in current implementations.

Do you know whether Chrome and Safari have any specific plans to remove it?

All other browsers already pass the historical test [3] that the SVGZoomAndPan 
mixin interface must not be exposed

Sure, we could pass that by making it a mixin, not an interface, but that says nothing about the `zoomAndPan` attribute on SVGSVGElement and SVGViewElement. What does the compat situation look like for those?

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