[cross-posting to firefox-dev and stability]

Due to the recent layoffs the nightly crash triage roster has a lot of
holes so if you have some spare cycles please come and help out!

Nightly crash triage consists in looking at the crashes for a specific
version of nightly (e.g. the previous week Monday build), catching
regressions and filing them. Usually it takes no more than 30 minutes
per week and is a good way to learn more about Firefox internals and
interact with code you're not necessarily familiar with.

We've got detailed documentation [1] to get you started. We'll be adding
more docs about tools that make the job easier.

We've got four slots to fill ATM [2] but in the lucky case there's more
candidates than slots we're happy to rotate. Please contact me if you're


[1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/NightlyCrashTriage
[2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/NightlyCrashTriage#Roster

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