On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 3:12 PM Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> I would really like to get to the point where when web developers see
> errors in their console they don't have to guess what caused those
> errors, and having meaningful messages is the simplest way to get there.

This is a great goal and we should definitely improve our error
messages, but I continue to be worried about exposing more data there
than is advisable from a security/privacy standpoint. In particular as
from a developer ergonomics standpoint it can be hugely valuable to
include such data. (Since I raised this last time we actually had a
security bug related to this.)

I don't know how much work this is, but ideally the signature is
something like throwType(safeMessage, consoleMessage), whereby
consoleMessage defaults to safeMessage or some such. This would allow
for exposing confidential data to developers when debugging locally
and keeps user data secure/private (assuming all callers are holding
it correctly and get reviewed as such).
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