Hi everybody,

During December 2019 we released the first version of PerfDocs <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/tools/lint/linters/perfdocs.html> which initially verified if all the Raptor performance tests have a test description. Last week we (me [:alexandrui] and Gregory Mierzwinski [:sparky]) made another release that added the document generation feature.

PerfDocs <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/tools/lint/linters/perfdocs.html> was born for the need of having a centralized way for the test metadata (e.g. descriptions). It can be used with the command ./mach lint -l perfdocs and it has 2 steps: verification and generation (--fix ing). While the verification is performed by default, the generation requires passing the --fix optional argument. What it does is to search in the tree for any perfdocs directory that has certain content (2 files). The first content file is config.yml which holds the location of the framework's test manifests and the descriptions for the tests that are found by PerfDocs using the manifests. The second file that is provided in the folders, calledindex.rst, determines where/how the test information will be displayed in the mozilla source tree docs <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/> (under Testing/Performance Testing) and lets users add extra framework information if needed. See here <https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/raptor/raptor/perfdocs> for an example folder with Raptor. You can find the documentation generated from that specification here <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/testing/perfdocs/index.html>.

One thing to note is the ./mach lint -l perfdocs linter will FAIL if any test/suite present in the framework manifest doesn't have an associated description (individual or pattern-matched). If there are no tests missing a description and all descriptions in perfdocs/config.yml are matching at least one test then the linting will pass. It will also let the user know if the documentation needs to be regenerated. When --fix is provided as an argument, then verification will be performed along with document (re-)generation. In the case of a linting failure, you will need to update config.yml.


Given tests: raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox, raptor-tp6-amazon-chrome, raptor-tp6-amazon-chromium and their -cold variants.

Individual matching:

raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox: "Warm desktop page-load performance test for amazon on firefox using WebExtension."

Pattern matching:

raptor-tp6-amazon: "Cold and warm desktop page-load performance tests for amazon on firefox, chrome, and chromium using WebExtension."

Many thanks to the perftest team who helped on reviewing this all along the way.

For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.


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